How to Talk to your child about cancer

What does cancer mean: 

How we talk about cancer to our kids will depend on their age and understanding. For very young children keeping the conversation brief and using simple language will be best. Something like “Mummy (or daddy) has a disease called cancer” Then go on to explain in simple language or by Using pictures, dolls or soft toys if needed as a prop to help in explain where in your body the cancer is and also the impact of the treatment such as hair loss. Young children will likely be more focused on the symptoms and side effects that they can see. Let them know if you will be in hospital or away from home and also how it might impact their usual routine. 

With young children a simple explanation around how the good cells within our bodies become outnumbered by bad cells and this can make us sick and cause a tumour or lump in our body called cancer.  It’s really important to emphasise that cancer is not contagious and that it’s something that happens within the body, and no one has done anything to cause it happening and it’s no one’s fault. 

Older Children

When talking to older children about cancer the starting point would be to ask them what they already know about cancer, and what is their understanding of it. This will allow a natural conversation to flow from where their understanding is at the present time.   Secondary school children will have studied cells and have a basic knowledge of this so you can build upon this in your conversation and explanation of good and bad cells but build upon it to talk about how these can create tumours. 

If you are the person who has cancer and are telling a child then choose an appropriate time to have the conversation with no distractions. This will allow you to take the time to answer any questions the child has and to comfort them. Choose if you would like anyone else to be with during the conversation such as a close friend or relative, who can provide support for you and your child. 

Be mindful of signs that your child has had enough and draw the conversation to a close and return to it later. Don’t be surprised if the conversation is short and your child returns to an activity such as playing. Allow them time to process the information and reassure them they can ask questions any time they need. 

Common questions children may ask:

Firstly it’s important to answer just the  questions that they ask so that you can stay with their individual concerns or worries.

“Will you die”? 

Most parents dread this question. Parents are unsure of how to respond and worried about their children’s reactions. Consider saying something like “ People do sometimes die from cancer, but lots of people don’t. I’m not dying. I am going to see the best doctors , have surgery/take strong medicine to remove the cancer, and I’ll be checked by the doctors “ 

“Can I catch it?”

Reassuring them that cancer is not contagious . 

Why did this happen? Referring back to the part of the conversation around what cancer is and how it develops will be useful to help them understand that it’s no one’s fault.

Who will take care of me if you die? Again reassuring your child that you are not dying but changes in routine may happen to accommodate hospital visits while you are being treated may happen. 

Create a worry box

Using a worry box can a useful tool to allow your child to voice all of their worries and concerns. This can be as simple as you sitting down with your child and allowing them to write down or draw everything they are worrying about and feeling. These drawings and notes will then go into a box and stay there as long as they remain a worry for your child. 

Using a worry box allows your child an avenue to voice their feelings and emotions and not keep them inside. It allows then to name and process their feelings in a safe and contained way. And once the worry is no longer a worry they can remove it from the box. 

What if you choose not to tell your children you have cancer? 

Ideally, talk to your children as soon as possible after diagnosis but if  you choose not to tell your child you have cancer, then be prepared that they may find out another way. They may overhear conversations or be told by a someone else . They might notice you are unwell or see changes to your appearance and routines. It’s useful to plan for such things as children will worry and can become anxious and upset leading to further stress for them.

Be honest about why you choose not to tell them, it may be you didn’t want to worry them or didn’t know how to tell them. If they ask you outright it will be best not to lie to them but if you can’t have the conversation then ask a trusted friend or relative to be involved. 

Talking about cancer is never easy, especially if it is you that has the diagnosis. Allow that you may get upset or angry and ensure you have support for yourself. It’s ok to cry and get upset in front of your child as this will show them that it’s ok to show your emotions and keep the dialogue between the two of going. Check in with them regularly or return to the worry box to ensure their feelings are validated.